Interpipe: online service of verification

On the pipe labels of each bundle, shipped from Interpipe’s mills, QR-code with the encrypted details about the order are imprinted. Each QR-code is linked to the company’s database of shipped orders. To check the origin of the bundle, customers can scan the code via smartphone. If the pipes are genuine, the consignee will be redirected to the webpage with the volume of products, number of inspection certificate, date of shipment, heat number etc. Otherwise, the customer will be informed about the suspicious origin of goods and provided with the contact details for the regional sales office to check the supply.
Online verification service of pipe origin provides the onsite check of the bundle origin for Interpipe’s distributors and end-users. Going in line with the broad-scale campaign to defend Interpipe brand around the GCC, this measure will strengthen anti-counterfeit protection of the company’s products.